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Maximise your capacity to serve clients


  • Tessaract is the all-in-one, cloud-native Practice Management System for Singapore's small to medium-sized law and professional services firms. Build custom workflows to automate your processes with our highly configurable platform.
  • Eliminate time-consuming manual processes and repetitive admin tasks to free up your team. Leverage their experience to maximise billings and realise growth opportunities.


Realise unmatched productivity gains to maximise your firm's capacity to serve both new and current clients.


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What our clients say about us

20% YoY revenue growth

“We are now more efficient as a team.

This has contributed to a 20% year-on-year revenue growth."

Managing Partner
Taylor Vinters Via

Increased billable hours

“Our lawyers have significantly increased billable hours by reducing manual and repetitive tasks.

Tessaract provides the platform to grow even more aggressively in the future.”

Managing Partner
Oon & Bazul
See more testimonials

Who we work with

We’re typically engaged by Managing Partners, CEOs, COOs and Practice Directors of successful and ambitious firms who know that their current technology stack is a bottleneck for growth.

They’re frustrated about this and wonder “How much more successful could my firm be with the right technology at my team’s disposal?

We have a deep understanding of the challenges facing growing small and mid-sized law firms. So we’re hyper focused on developing our Practice Management System to address the specific concerns and challenges facing these firms - with a focus on scaling.


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How did Tessaract help That.Legal grow through the pandemic AND save 40% in cost?


Mark knows a thing or two about coping with change and anticipating the future. As an outstanding litigator at his previous firm, he struggled daily with paper process inefficiencies.

So when founding That.Legal, Mark prioritised digitising workflows - starting out with cloud storage, like everyone else,  and soon realising it just wasn't enough...

Fortunately, that's when he discovered Tessaract.


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