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For Singapore SME firms - up to 50% of Grant Support available

Grow your professional services firms with Tessaract - a cloud-native platform to maximise your capacity to serve existing and new clients.
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Pre-Approved Solutions under IMDA’s SMEs Go Digital programme

As part of SMEs Go Digital programme, IMDA partners the Infocomm Media (ICM) industry to identify and pre-approve digital solutions suitable for mass adoption by broad based SMEs, based on the different SME sector needs defined in Industry Digital Plan (IDPs).

Through pre-approval, SMEs can have access to ready and affordable solutions that are proven to deliver productivity gains (or grow business) and comply with required industry standards; and which are deployed with up-to-date technologies like cloud and AI, as well as being provided by Infocomm Media (ICM) vendors with good track record of serving SMEs.  

SMEs adopting pre-approved solutions could be considered for Government incentive support (such as the Productivity Solutions Grant, PSG), subject to their eligibility.

What is the PSG programme?

The Productivity Solutions Grant (PSG) helps Singapore companies improve their productivity and automate existing processes through IT solutions and equipment.

  • - Up to 50% of eligible costs for local SMEs - Receive up to $30,000 and improve your business productivity.
  • - Sector-specific and generic solutions - Get support for sector-specific and generic solutions that are pre-approved by EnterpriseSG and other participating agencies.

Who can apply for PSG?

Businesses that meet the following criteria are eligible for PSG:
  • Business entity registered and operating in Singapore
  • Company has at least 30% local equity held directly or indirectly by Singaporean(s) and/or Singapore PR(s), determined by the ultimate individual ownership
  • Company has a Group Annual Sales Turnover not exceeding S$100 million OR a Group employment size not exceeding 200 employees
  • IT solutions or equipment that are purchased, leased, or subscribed to must be used in Singapore
  • Company does not fall under these categories:
    Charities, Institutions of Public Characters (IPCs), Religious Entities, Voluntary Welfare Organisation (VWO), Government agencies and subsidiaries, and societies cannot apply for this grant.

How to apply for PSG?


Identify relevant solutions that best suit your business needs

Request a Discovery Call / Demo with us to figure out if Tessaract is the right fit for your business.

Get direct quotations

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Submit application on Business Grants Portal (BGP)

You will need to sign in to your Corppass account to transact on the BGP portal.